Minor injuries: include sprains, fractures, lacerations, foreign bodies in the eye. We can repair wounds, reduce some fractures and dislocations under local anaesthetic and provide appropriate casting or splinting. We have wrist & knee braces along with walking boots. We will also follow up these cases. We will also remove sutures, staples and casts applied elsewhere. We will always accommodate suturing.
X-rays are available in the same building.
Examples of minor illnesses are sore throats, localized pain or infections, rashes, etc. Conditions that are longstanding and require multiple visits are best done through your primary care provider. If an admission is required we will contact the appropriate urgent care or emergency on your behalf. Yearly physicals and bloodwork should be done through your family physician.
Procedures include removal of small skin lesions for biopsy or post-biopsy, excision of warts, skin tags, some lumps and cysts, management of ingrown toe nails as well as drainage of abscesses. etc. Electrocautery is available for many of these. Once assessed, if a procedure cannot be done on site, a referral will be arranged.
Cardiac Stress Tests are done by physician referral. In almost all cases this is covered by Manitoba Health.
Some laboratory investigations (Strep, Urinalysis, Pregnancy tests) are available onsite and others will be provided at Dynacare.. A DynacareSupersite is located five minutes away.
Follow-up of biopsies and some results are done by e-mail when appropriate or by phone.