A Manitoba graduate, Blake has over 30 years of emergency experience. He has worked at tertiary sites such as HSC as well as community emergency departments and clinics in Winnipeg, Ontario and the United States. Blake and Ricardo have worked together for twenty years.
He has over 15 years experience doing stress tests (well over 20,000 so far). Blake serves as the Medical Director for KaLo Medical Clinic.
A South African graduate, Ricardo was a rural family physician for a decade in St Claude before following his passion for emergency medicine. He has 20 years experience at the Seven Oaks Emergency, where he served as Medical Director and hospital Chief Medical Officer for 15 years. His career includes roles such as Head of the WRHA Emergency Program, acting head of the University of Manitoba Academic Emergency Department, as well as Provincial Advisor on emergency care to the Minister of Health. Throughout this time he has worked in the emergency department.
Fluent in a few languages, Ricardo can also provide medical services in French and Portuguese.